In the world of the Accordance and Fliit Ridan, there were Temples dedicated to specific Gifts or skills. The tradition of the Temples was brought to Terra, and though the buildings themselves are long fallen and forgotten, they remain in the teachings among the Fliit Ridan. Teachers within these Temples are responsible for ensuring knowledge and Gifts are available to all in the Universal Accordance. Those achieving Master levels are eligible to become teachers in the Temple. Those who exhibit the Gift of teaching are also eligible to work under the auspices of the Temples. Some clans are strongly associated with specific Temples, thus many persons may have association with several temples. Each Temple has its own flag and corresponding symbol. Members of Clan Bahthiil belong to all Temples. See illustration…
To read more, see KO’Ś ALEŚA’R, The Fliit Ridan Compendium by Sikander