The Thi’lahko’ś
The Thi’lahko’ś
In the Before time, long before the Accordance and the Fliit Ridan, the Da’Mo’ś lived upon a world divided by clans. As the world began to die, wars over resources and a military, the Thi’lahko’ś, was created to protect resources and in some cases, take over productive areas began. Because these Da’Mo’ś were trained in battle skills, it was imperative they not betray each other or their tribes or clans, and the Companions were developed, undergoing a vow-bonding to each other. But the people began to question where their leaders were taking them, and to fear for the future. It was at this time a mystic, Aaz-no’Jahl, rose up and, with the aid of the B`hahliin, imparted a new message to the people, a message of the Oneness of all, and urged the people to unite, and helped them realize all would perish if they did not join in peace and strive to create a new world. In time, minds and hearts changed, peace reigned and the function and nature of the Thi’lahko’ś changed.
From that time on, the Thi’lahko’ś was charged to …
To read more, see KO’Ś ALEŚA’R, The Fliit Ridan Compendium by Sikander