Clans, Tribes and Houses

Every member of the Universal Accordance and the Fliit Ridan belongs to at least one Clan, Tribe, and House; most belong to several, creating an interconnected web of family and blood ties.

CLANS, or RAHS’ (ross)

Clans are vital to the continuing existence of the Da’Mo’ś. Originally, the clan system was developed as a means to identify the group or family that a member of the Da’Mo’ś was connected to by birth. Signs and symbols came to signify each clan and identifying marks were sewn into clothing and imprinted on food vessels and other possessions as decoration. This served to bind a community since all shared a common identity. Each Clan has its own badge and corresponding flag. See illustrations.

As centuries passed, the clan system began to be used to identify those with similar abilities and/or interests as well as identifying those from the same tribal family; thus began the practice of “adoptions” among the clans, which served to unify larger groups of tribes and communities.

Finally, the clans became a means to identify the Gift, accepted duty or interest/ability of an individual, whether Da’Mo’ś or outsider. This created a unique bonding system, since the following precepts applied:

  • NO family member could harm another family member
  • All members of a family were part of a clan
  • All persons within a clan were considered a member of the adopted family
  • Since family members moved into different clans while retaining membership in earlier clans, all clans were accepted as part of an extended and expanding family
  • Therefore, no member of one clan could do harm to one of another clan
  • All clans were considered interwoven and interconnected, thus creating a vast web of unity throughout the Da’Mo’ś and the world..

The clan system eventually came to be adopted by the Universal Accordance, thus unifying all. Since many persons were adopted into more than one clan, the concept of one clan being superior to another was never conceived, thus balance was achieved.

It is also true that many persons move from clan to clan as duty, interest or Gift alters, thus giving many an understanding of and appreciation for what each clan contributes to the whole. At the same time, the Clan you were born into, remains one of your clans throughout your life.

Over the course of time, some clan signs have been discarded or the scope of the clan widened. Those clans thought to be no longer in existence today are the Ah’Veld, the Ah’Mariin, and the Ah’Nuhlmair. It is believed that there were other clans but they were likely absorbed by new clans in the pre-history or early history of the Da’Mo’ś. All clans used to have the AH’ prefix but this has, for the most part, been discarded. Clans are vital to the continuing existence of the Da’Mo’ś…

To read more, see KO’Ś ALEŚA’R, The Fliit Ridan Compendium by Sikander

The Seventeen Clans
The Thirteen Tribes
The Seven Houses and the High Born House