Masculine and Feminine

Interesting article, and for me, the critical point is this: we must stop labeling HUMAN attributes as “masculine” or “feminine” and recognize that some of what we are mistakenly calling masculine or feminine TRAITS are actually simply BEHAVIORS that various cultures choose to demand of, or assign to, men or women. For example, any human can take care of a child, or do housework, or wash clothes or cook. ANY human. But cultures have decided that these are tasks that are assigned to females, making men who choose to do this “suspect”.
ANY human can mow a lawn, build a house, be an electrician, a plumber, drive a tractor, drive a steam shovel, play a video game, be in the military. ANY human. But cultures have decided that these are tasks that are assigned to males, making women who choose to do this “suspect”.
But that is not entirely true. And if we admit it, we would be able to let go of assigned roles and let each person just be human. Single men and women, single parents, often have to do all of these things, and most do them well. In the days when men were sent away to war  (and remember, historically, some women snuck in and did the job as “men”); while the men were away, women DID do all these things, along with suffering the bombings that fell on their villages and towns. In some countries, women had to endure the same types of POW camps while still caring for their children.
In other words, ALL HUMANS share the same capabilities, abilities, etc with a few physical differences: women can do some things better than men and men some things better than women that relate DIRECTLY to how their bodies are designed (and I’m not talking about pregnancy, but about how systems work and bones are placed in the skeletal structure).
Now some important differences: We also recognize that a portion of male brains mature later than a portion of female brains, but we need to examine if that is nature or nurture. Boys in some cultures are encouraged do more and  take more risks, but the idea behind that is to protect the women as the carriers of life, NOT because they are weak- because in many cultures, girls are JUST as expected to carry bricks, do field labor etc as boys, all while running the greater risk of kidnapping and rape and in some cases, marriage while still a child,
So it’s time we stop trying to divide males and female into two separate species and recognize we are HUMAN together, neither the one nor the other superior to or deserving of dominance over the other.
And then, maybe men and women can start being wiser about choosing partners, the frenzy of anti-LGBT can go away and we can start looking at social problems without demolishing our respect for each other.