The Companions Speak…

The Companions Speak…

Here you will find some of the names and stories of those from the Before Time, those who are part of the world of the Fliit Ridan and those who Became.  These names have been found in the Ko’ Alescere; little is known of most of them other than the name and a few brief details, so there is some leeway here for writers who wish to participate in this website and “become” one of these named persons.

Writers can choose a person (those with asterisk are already taken) that has inspired them or they feel drawn to from the list of the known persons from the Ko’ Alescere, or create their own character. That character/person should reflect aspects and elements of your own skills, areas of interest and so on, although you can opt to let another writer add to your character’s story.

To begin, read the pages of Fliit Ridan World, study the clans, Houses, Temples, tribes, philosophy and so on. Then, go to Fliit Rian Chronicles and read  about the Before Time, the Fliit and the Fliit Ridan members of the Ga’-Yah Da’Mo’ś. If a character appeals to you, write us and request that you be given that name, or create your own character based on all you have read. Send us your poem or story and we will create a page for you where you can become/write about that character. At all times, you must abide by the writer guidelines (request these before writing your first story!) regarding the people/characters, keeping them in their proper time and place. Changes within a character must accurately reflect the logical changes that might take place as events affect a person’s decisions, growth, and so on. In writing about your character, give careful thought to the clan, tribe and/or House they would belong to as well as their occupation. Create a backstory for your character as an introduction on your writer’s page and to help you stay true to your character, remembering the time, place, skills, and occupation, as well as networks of family and friendship lines. The closer you make your character to your real self, the easier it will be to write with authenticity.

Example of back story: Chalii Ro’ś One of the Becoming, Chalii was born of the Fo’ni’kii. Trained as a metalsmith, specializing in household goods and being welcomed into the Rahs Ahrbaht, she became known for the high quality and durability of her goods, took part in a Ko’ Bahth ceremony with Kehn Tahnii of the Ban-dimiir, giving her links to the Rahs Ah-Shiil. She was later accepted into the Fliit Ridan as a metalsmith. An Empiirro’ś, she applied to join the Fliit Ridan and later, to Become, traveling with K’Bahth Kehn in the third Becoming to Ga’-Yah. K’Bahth Challi was a member of the Ta’hiir tribe, and of the Jehbiir Gahziit and the Moosah` Gahziit. On Ga’-Yah, she chose to become a member of the Rahs Bahthiil, producing a child with her Ko’Bahth. Ko’Bahth Chalii Ro’ś lived for four decades upon Ga’-Yah, succumbing during a rare drought. Her child lived to old age but little else is known of the child. Chalii Ro’ś originally had pale skin with a yellowish sheen, a fine coating of grey hairs over her entire body, was about six feet tall of slender build, and green eyes. Upon becoming, she took on the form of a tall Ga’-Yahn female with light auburn hair, green eyes and slender build.

The stories below can be found in the KO’Ś ALEŚA’R, The Fliit Ridan Compendium by Sikander

The Before Time
Peoples of the Fliit Ridan
Stories of the Becoming: People of the Fliit Ridan and the Ga’-Yah Da’Mo’ś