Stranded by Andrew Hattam

Why has this been so hard?

A brief essay of not getting the job done.

From this month’s offerings I felt Stranded to be the word that I would be able to work with.

I was wrong..

Firstly I had a great idea about a space journey that went wrong. But that soon revealed itself to be a very long story so I moved away from the idea but kept the concept in the box for a rainy day.

Secondly I decided to write a story based on my personal experience of being Stranded  in a job. After about five hundred words it was clear that the narration was wandering all over the place and was more a cathartic expression on my part and not very good reading.

My third attempt was another Sci-fi story with a person being forced to stay alive as part of a journey to another planet, but instead of sleeping or hibernation they are very much awake and trapped. Forced to stay alive and observe for eons. Again this was going to be too long for my liking and thus was carefully wrapped up and placed in a box for good keeping.

My forth attempt was poetry and awful.

So this is my fifth attempt, a dialog of my subsequent works and in all honesty a true story of being Stranded with words that did not work. Writer’s block or just a busy mind??

Love to you all and see you on the road….


©Andrew Hattam 2021